

Plugins are just npm packages that execute extendMUDCoreConfig when imported, and export some interface extensions.

The config package provides the core of MUD API. Both store and world are plugins themselves, although store is special because it introduces mudConfig.

Plugins can depend on other plugins, and most are expected to depend on store and world.

Plugins for the MUD framework

MUD framework means that your plugin will depend on world, which in turn depends on store.

Start with Basic plugin example (opens in a new tab), which shows how to add an option (but it does nothing with it).

Plugins can take advantage of Modules to add solidity logic to world.

You can use world/ts/register (opens in a new tab) as an advanced example, since world is a plugin.

/register vs /library

You can have as many folders and exports as you want, but the main one is /register. When imported, /register has side-effects (changes interfaces and a global variable), which is why it should be isolated.

You want to import /register in mud.config.ts and another plugin's configExtensions, typeExtensions.

You want to import /library in most library-like code, like generators and utilities.


You can't override typescript types. typeExtensions augments existing interfaces (and this works only for interfaces) by merging interfaces (opens in a new tab).

The augmented interface is propagated:

  • recursively, to any file that imports typeExtensions.ts. But only import "somepackage" works, not import { foo } from "somepackage"
  • to its entire package, which is why you should put plugins into separate packages to avoid them polluting each other's interfaces


extendMUDCoreConfig adds its callback to an array, stored in a global variable (akin to hardhat's plugins).

All these callbacks get called, in the order they were added, within mudConfig (aside from being a type helper, that's all mudConfig does - calls callbacks. store and world plugins are also just callbacks in that array).